Booking, Cancellation & Policies

No-shows and last minute cancellations enormously disadvantage our business.

Thai Serenity & Soul has a Booking Policy designed to protect not only our business's bottom line and in turn, our affordability, but also to keep things fair for all clients.

No-shows and last minute cancellations enormously disadvantage our business. They also mean that other clients cannot book those time slots with us.

We employ the very best therapists, and we invest a great deal in further educating them. Therefore, we hope that you will appreciate our Booking and Cancellation policy.


Late arrival

As a courtesy to all our clients a prompt appointment schedule is adhered to, please make every effort to arrive 5–10 minutes before your appointment to fill in our consultation form.

Failure to arrive on time for your appointment may result in the length of your treatment being reduced or classed as cancelled.



£10.00 deposit required for your bookings.

We understand that sometimes you may need to change your booking. We kindly request 24 hours notice so that we can offer that time slot to another client.

Your deposit will be held for your next booking, or refunded. However, if you don't provide us with 24 hours notice or you fail to turn up for your appointment, you may send a friend or family member in your place, or your deposit will be forfeited as we will not have enough time to try to re-book your time slot.

We thank you for your understanding.